We all heard of the beheading of the priest in France. The news media said it was the first attack specifically on Christians. In the newest release of the ISIS magazine ISIS goes on and on about the Christians and how they are so deceived...
Church "Backpack" Policy
Many years ago the church where I was director of security had a security incident where an individual brought a backpack into the main sanctuary with a handgun ready for deployment. You'll need to watch the video to get the whole story, but the results were that we...
The purpose of this document is to provide the procedures to be followed in the handling and transport of the church offertory.
Primary directive – The safety of the persons handling and transporting the offertory is of primary importance.
Carbines for church security?
It is clear that a growing number of criminals, not to mention terrorist, are using assault rifles like the AK-47 or AR-15 (carbines) in their...
The Vulnerability Index: What's Your VX In Church?
by Clay Turner, Creative Director - Thursday, April 14, 2016
You're with a group of people in a room with the door closed. All of you are on your knees, head down, eyes closed, fingers interlocked. You are:
a) Hostages b)...
Open Carry in Texas starts January 1, 2016 –
We have received numerous request for advice on the new Open Carry issue here in Texas. Here is our advice:
A church has a few options. You must post 30.07 signs at each and every entrance to each building that you do not want open carry or...
The Three Strands of Church Security™ Methodology
The Three Strands of Church Security is a methodology whereby a church of any size can benchmark, plan, develop and deploy a working security and safety program. It has been refined for over a decade in churches both large and small...
This is the FORWARD to the latest issue of the ISIS magazine Dabiq "As the American-led crusaders continue waging war against the Khilfah, more and more Muslims continue demonstrating their willingness to sacrifice everything precious to them for the sake of...
FROM THE DESK OF CHUCK CHADWICK: Thank you Jesus for another great year for Gatekeepers! We have had no deadly force incidents in any of our Gatekeeper churches thanks to God's protection and our great Gatekeepers who have protected our churches like the Gatekeepers of biblical times. We are...
Carry Life ends a three-part series this week. In "Sanctuary and Security," we've looked high (Part I) at an organization with national scope that helps worship communities plan, execute and train to coherent, overlapping levels of security—the National Organization of Church Security and...