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Tennessee and Las Vegas incident reviews

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Tennessee and Las Vegas – Obviously, the Tennessee incident is applicable to church security. The Las Vegas incident also has implications that could affect church security. Tennessee – What can we learn? It started outside; have Gatekeepers or Watchmen outside. What’s a...

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Tags: tennessee and las vegas

Jihad Journal – What’s next?

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

  We just heard of the vehicle attacks in Spain yesterday. Not complicated and very simple. Here’s the next phase; building derailing devices for rail trains. We really don’t have a lot of commuter train activity in Texas as most Texans drive private vehicles. Unfortunately for...

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Low-capacity handguns as duty weapons

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

We have Gatekeepers coming to the range all the time with handguns that they want to use on duty as Gatekeepers, protecting hundred, if not thousands, of congregants.  As usual, on the firing line, there are those that must use two magazines to fire 10 rounds. Those single stacked...

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Perishable Skills in Perilous times… Weapon Handling and Manipulation of the fighting handgun.

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

When it comes to Handgun Manipulation Skills they are just as important to fighting with your pistol as the fundamentals are to achieving fine marksmanship & accuracy.  While we see a lot of techniques we always test and ask why one is better than the other and so on with pros and cons...

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The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Do I have your attention? This article should really be entitled “The dangers of learning unapproved defensive tactics”. Remember when you were in level 3 and level 4 defensive tactics class and you were taught the state curriculum. The tactics you were taught had three elements...

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Christian, not “Faith Based” of “Houses of Worship”

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

We are NOT “Faith Based” or “Houses of Worship”;We are “Christian”! Repeat Christian!  When you stand for everything, you stand for NOTHING! I have been asked several time to participate in “Faith Based” or “Houses of Worship&rdquo...

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Tags: christian, faith based, house of worship

Final word of Texas senate Church vigilante bill

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Now that this new law has been signed by the governor of Texas I will talk about this one more time and then lay it to rest. I think it important enough to express my opinion. Most of the people I have talked to think the same. The Texas governor has now signed the bill and it will come...

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Tags: final word of texas senate church vigilante bill

Rumiyah – Islamic terror tactics

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

This week we examine the latest ISIS magazine where they discuss the most effective way to kill you and your family. I know this is a fairly long read, however I did shorten it considerably and left the most important parts for your reading.

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Tags: isis, rumiyah


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