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YouTube resources from Gatekeepers | Before, During and After the Bang

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Gatekeeper YouTube resources   Before, During and After the Bang   I seems as though a lot of people on church security teams put all their eggs in one basket. That is, the only training they get is going to the range and practice handgun skills. That’s what I call...

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Tags: security, private, training, videos, texas, youtube, gatekeepers

Understanding the Gatekeeper Program: What it is and how it benefits churches and non-profits

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

The Gatekeeper Program is a security program designed specifically for Christian churches, private schools, and non-profit organizations. It aims to train church volunteers to become state-regulated security officers and provide an added layer of protection for congregations. At the core of the...

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Tags: safety, texas, national, church security, 2023 conference

“You got to have a PLAN?”

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

With every church shooting we all hear the mantra “You got to have a PLAN?” It’s as though a “PLAN” is some onerous piece of literary work comprised of millions of pages of processes and procedures.   I was once a managing consultant to fortune 500 companies...

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Firearms polices

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Attention all Gatekeepers: Not shooting yourself in the foot. There are several questions we want to address to help you avoid legal issues that might arise if you ever have to use deadly force in the scope of your job as security operatives. We have done quite a bit of research and reached...

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Who’s your trainer and what are they training you for?

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If you don’t know how to do something, how do you learn? YOUTUBE! If you want the very best in Navy SEAL training? YouTube! Brain surgery? YouTube! If you want to know anything, YouTube it! Ok, ENOUGH already! The internet has made almost everything easily accessible. There are so many...

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Psychological Testing of your Security Team or ARE YOUR SECURITY GUYS NUTS?

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

Part of the requirements for our Gatekeeper state certified training in professional security is the passing of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. This is a psychological test to hopefully “find this individual to be in satisfactory emotional health to perform the duties of a...

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Time vs Timing

Posted by William Chadwick on

How fast is your draw?  Industry standard tells us to procure the weapon system and have it online and lead delivered on target from concealment in 1.5 seconds. This time reduction drill is generally setup with an eight-inch circle plate elevated at 5 feet at a distance of 5 yards. ...

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Where are you focusing when you holster your weapon? Downrange is the wrong answer.

Posted by William Chadwick on

I see it time and time again and occasionally find myself wanting to holster without looking depending on what holster or setup I am currently wearing or training with.  Couple of issues here: Why train in any gear besides the gear you wear daily and on duty? Why are we not looking when we...

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The Semantics of Security and Safety

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

In the scope of issues dealing with causing harm to a church's people or property there is a dividing line that defines the proper use of the words describing the threat.   This article will definitively make the distinction between "Safety" and "Security".   Let us look at the...

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YouTuber & Internet Firearms Training

Posted by Charles "Chuck" Chadwick, Jr. on

If you don’t know how to do something, how do you learn? YOUTUBE! If you want the very best in Navy SEAL training? YouTube! Brain surgery? YouTube! If you want to know anything, YouTube it! Ok, ENOUGH already! The internet has made almost everything easily accessible. There are so many...

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